Criminal Defense

Experienced Criminal Defense Attorneys in the Maryland MidShore Area

A Man in Handcuffs — Easton, MD — Kopen & Collison

When you find yourself in need of criminal defense in the Easton, MD, area, call Kopen & Collison LLP at 410-822-3900. Our expert team is made up of experienced legal minds who are prepared to serve you. 

Our Criminal Defense Lawyer

Criminal defense lawyer Henry Dove worked as a prosecutor for over 30 years. He knows how to best handle your case because he’s been on the other side of the aisle! The Kopen & Collison firm handles cases including theft, assault, battery, manslaughter, murder, arson, drug offenses, and more.

Call us today at 410-822-3900 to learn more or request a consultation. 

Gavel and Criminal Law Book — Easton, MD — Kopen & Collison
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